A fault in the space-time continuum where two normally distant points of space touch one another

Welcome to my blog, I will mainly talk about the NLP, Complexity theory, re-engineering products, modern-day Hindutva’s deontological ethics, lack of meaning in a world approaching AGI and computational search problems.

Embark on this voyage with me as we seek to discover our unique silhouettes in a world that often feels devoid of true significance. Hope you leave my blog with a sense of meaning and a little bit of inspiration.

You can browse on the left, explore the graph on the right, or search the whole site with ⌘+K.

Meanwhile, take a look at my gallery of my favorite pictures and my project for the month

All notes are in one of four states:

Thank you Ishan and Wayne for the template

Projects working concurrently

Upcoming projects

  • Recreate the seed finding algorithm for tall cactus finding in Minecraft
  • Document the exploratory of voyager in minecraft and how it can be used
  • Perlin Noise and how to make it more human like